Marine Corps birthday celebration brings together local Veterans

INDIANOLA, Iowa — The Marine Corps is celebrating 249 years this year and service men and women from around central Iowa gathered to celebrate the occasion.

The Marine Corps is the second oldest branch in the military and was established on November 10th in 1775. The branch was originally called the Continental Marines but was eventually renamed and established as a permanent branch in 1798.

Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and development of tactics for amphibious landing forces are just some of the roles of the Marine Corps. They are also America’s naval expeditionary force in readiness, soldiers are trained and equipped to respond quickly to threats against the nation.

The Marines of Warren County decided they wanted to come together for their own celebration instead of traveling to larger ones in the metro. What started as just a group of six guys has since grown into a community celebration. This is their seventh year celebrating together and their fourth year celebrating at the Indianola Iowa Elks Lodge.

“It’s always been something that’s honorable and celebrated and it just continues on,” said Lance Ripperger, a retired Marine. “It’s something that is bred into us, and so every year, whether you’re active or not, we get out and the Marines come together, and we celebrate the Marine Corps and everything that it did for us.”

This event not only celebrates the Marine Corps and its distinguished soldiers. It also brings those soldiers together to share their stories and keep the memories of those who have served our country alive.

“When we first started, we had folks that served in World War 2, on Iwo Jima, and the stories, the history that they can share with us, and we can pass on,” said Brent Spears, a retired Marine. “Someday I’ll be one of those old marines that can share history with these young folks.”

The event was simple in appearance but rich in meaning. A silent auction was held, with the proceeds going back into other Marine celebrations. A meal was served and a traditional cake cutting ceremony was held.

A Mameluke sword, which traces back to Lieutenant Presly O’Bannon’s actions in the Barbary Wars, was used to cut the cake. The first few pieces were then distributed, in order, to the Guest of honor, the oldest Marine present, and the youngest Marine present.

The celebration is held every year at the Elks Lodge in Indianola and all Marines are invited to celebrate their time in the service and reconnect with others.

“We all served, doesn’t matter the era, doesn’t matter man or woman, we all served, we are Marines. That is a legacy and a point of pride for all of us.”

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