Iowa House lawmakers unanimously advance bill requiring feminine hygiene products in public schools

DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa House Republicans and a Democrat advanced a bill that would require public schools to provide feminine hygiene products for students 6th grade and up.

The bill outlines the requirement of school boards having these products accessible to students without cost in at least half of the restrooms in school buildings where students 6-12th grade attend.

The bill also adds funding for this for school districts with the dollars coming from the general fund and given out through the department of education starting on July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028. The end date was the only reason people in the subcommittee weren’t in total favor of the bill, wanting this to be permanent.

The entire public comment portion had Iowans highlighting the positives this bill would provide, from helping with students in poverty to how this addresses chronic absenteeism.

“And so you will run out throughout the day and you are left with the option of the toilet paper wad or getting that piece of paper and going to the nurse,” said Victoria Sinclair, a lobbyiest with Iowa School Nurses Organization. “This helps students education in the classroom, helps keep them in the classroom more and helps students who are particularly in need.”

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