DES MOINES, Iowa (KCAU) — The Iowa Attorney General’s Office announced Monday that it has concluded that two Sioux City police officers were “legally justified” in shooting and killing a man in October.
The shooting took place on the night of Oct. 20, 2024. The person shot by police was Jamie Orozco, 43, of Sioux City, who had allegedly fired a shot at officers.
According to an investigation by the Iowa DCI, on Oct. 20 at about 7:22 p.m., officials received a report that a person was “publicly waving a gun.” At that time, the person, later identified as Orozco, “racked” the slide of the gun and told a couple nearby “Don’t worry, it’s not for you,” and then left the area.
Once police officers found Orozco, the man reportedly refused to stop and talk, instead pulling out a handgun. He pointed it at them and then ran off, according to a release.
Police chased Orozco, and the man allegedly fired and missed a shot at officers. One officer fired back, also missing. Orozco would get away for the moment.
Then, at 10:08 p.m., a SWAT team entered a home where officials believed that Orozco was hiding. Residents of the Greenville neighborhood were ordered by police to shelter in place for a short time.
Orozco was allegedly found in an attic crawl space. An officer believed that he was hiding a weapon in a cloth bundle.
After being told that he would be shot if he moved, Orozco allegedly said “I’m not going back to prison.” After refusing further commands, he allegedly reached for the cloth bundle, prompting the officer to shoot him in the head once.
After lifesaving measures were taken at the scene, Orozco was brought to a hospital, where he would eventually die on Oct. 27.
According to the release, a gun was in fact found in the crawl space inside the cloth bundle.
Orozco had previous felony convictions and was not allowed to possess a firearm. He had also been previously convicted for inappropriate acts with a child, the release says, and was participating in sex offender treatment
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